Thanks to my sister Michelle McIlroy for designing the logo!


Ever since I was a child, I have been very interested in nature and the environment. I have a B.S. degree in wildlife biology, and have worked as a zookeeper, wildlife biologist, and ecologist. I am conducting a brief survey of world leaders, government officials, religious leaders, corporate CEOs, environmental groups, wildlife experts, and others regarding nature and the environment. I am also very interested in religious views, customs, and beliefs from around the world, and the interactions between religion, culture, society, and the environment. This is something I am doing out of personal interest, and is not connected to any group or organization. I have been working on this project since the summer of 2006, and hope to eventually turn it into a book and/or documentary. I am hoping to make this into a global project, with responses from all segments of society. Feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions or comments. If you have not already done so, I hope that you will consider taking part in my project, and please spread the word to anyone you think might be interested! Thanks for stopping by!


March 30, 2008

Clark A. Buchner

Member Executive Committee, Council of Club Leaders - Sierra Club

Today’s Date: March 20, 2008

1. What interaction with an animal and/or nature in your life has had the biggest impact on you?

Over 30 years ago on my first major backpacking trip in Rocky Mountains National Park, I had to deal with an ice storm and drastic weather change. The lesson I learned is that nature is impassionate and conditions can change very suddenly so that one needs to be well prepared when one goes into wild areas.

2. Did you have a favorite place in the great outdoors during your childhood?

I was very much at home in the woods of south Arkansas as a child.

Now? My favorite areas are the bald topped Max Patch Mountain on the Tennessee, North Carolina border and the Gila Wilderness of New Mexico.

3. As a former zookeeper, I would love to know what your favorite animal is and why?

I am drawn to the coyote. The coyote is a creature that knows how to survive and even thrive where least expected. The coyote has a magical quality that is mythic in Native American folktales. The "trickster" aspect of the coyote makes him somewhat of a Zen animal.

4. What do you think is the greatest environmental challenge facing us now, and what do you think will be the greatest challenge in the future?

Without question, I believe that global warming is the biggest challenge facing all of life on earth. In the future I think the establishment of resilient habitats will be of utmost importance for wildlife and perhaps humanity as well.

5. If you could give one piece of advice regarding the environment and our natural resources, what would it be?

Lean to live simply and walk lightly on the earth.

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